We left a week ago, and it has been a busy week. The flights out to Maryland were good. The kids did well, but they are getting use to being on an airplane at this point. And babies are easy as long as I prepare well. One the 2nd flight the three youngest all took naps at the same time, which was nice since we awoke at 5 am to catch our first flight and were all tired. The next day we took the kids to a park I use to go to as a kid. This park was worth the 30 minute drive from my house. It had huge slides and playground equipment. Well, since that was more than 25 years ago, it has all been replaced with newer, safer equipment, which now makes it look like a regular park. But it is in the woods with several hiking trails and a nature center, which looks the same as it did when I was 8 years old. So that was fun to see and we had a great time hiking a trail through the tall beautiful fall trees. The trees are in full Autumn color with reds, yellows, orange and purples. It has been beautiful as we have driven all over.
The next 2 days David and I spent mostly at the Sail Boat show in downtown Annapolis. Kylynn spent those days at my brothers house with the kids doing schoolwork, taking walks to the neighborhood park, and playing at the house. Calvin was able to watch his cousin Collin play at football practice and then Saturday morning he was able to help sell cub scout popcorn at the local grocery store. Uncle Gerritt dressed him up in his troop shirt, complete with scarf and hat. He loved it. It will be fun when he turns 8 and gets to join cub scouts too.
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