After the storm had passed we needed to find a better place to anchor for the night, where we would be protected from the ocean waves. We motored a little ways down to Allens Pensacola Cay. In the morning we dinghy’d over to the isthmus in search of the abandoned US missile tracking station that was once there. It was interesting to see how this Cay is growing. Rob found the foundation of the station, but the rest of us had fun playing on the isthmus, as the guide book describes it. Allen and Pensacola were once two separate Cay’s, but have grown together. You can see the kids running thru the area that is filling in with sand and forming new land. Further in Mangrove roots are springing up all over and will soon cover the new land with mangrove trees. R Cabin is the furthest on the left in the picture.
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