Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Little Bahama Bank

IMG_2720We left West End around 9am.  We were a little worried about pulling out of the dock we were at and hoped a few of the boats at the docks behind us would leave so we’d have a little more room.  One of the boats did go, but it may not have been necessary.  David did a great job, we rub a piling, but I was able to get a fender in to keep the boat off the fender.  David took it slow and was able to spin the boat to get us turned the right way and not hit any boats.  The wind was light which helped.  And then we were on our way.


As we left West End we had to enter the channel on to the Little Bahama Bank.  It was shallow, with white sand, and turquoise waters all around.  The kids had fun looking out up front for starfish on our path.  We saw several as we passed by.


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